Porcelain LED

Locally Produced Luminaire

The restaurants of choice are serving dishes of locally produced goods. We thought they should go all the way and use interiour and luminaire from local designers and craftsmen as well.



Restaurant Luminaire

School of Industrial Design - University of Lund, Sweden
2nd semester of Masters Programme
Official Website - http://cargocollective.com/schoolofindustrialdesign
Supervisor: Andreas Hopf

Martin Mårtensson

DMY Berlin 11-14 June 2015

Page Under Construction



The Bowl luminaire is made for a specific restaurant serving food grown locally in the region of Scania, Sweden. For the custom heat sink, visible from beneath, we took inspiration from the landscape in which the crops are grown and harvested. The pattern is taken from the roads and fields around a certain ecological farm we visited. The main shape itself is a reflection of the porcelain used in the restaurant. 

delarna i vy och text.jpg